KURODA Akinobu 黒田明伸

Curriculum VITAE

KURODA (family), AKINOBU (given)

Professor of East Asian History

Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia

University of Tokyo

E-mail: ankuroda@ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Nationality: Japanese


01-10-2002 – Professor, University of Tokyo

01-10-1997 – 30-09-2002 Associate Professor, University of Tokyo

01-04-1989 – 30-09-1997 Associate Professor, Nagoya University

01-04-1987 – 31-03-1989 Lecturer, Osaka Education University

01-04-1986 – 31-03-1987 Research Assistant, Kyoto University

01-04-1985 – 31-03-1986 Researcher, Kyoto University

Education and Degrees

23-03-1995 Doctor of Economics, Kyoto University

01-04-1982 – 31-03-1985 Doctoral studies, Dept. of Oriental History, Kyoto University

01-04-1980 – 31-03- 1982 Master studies, Dept. of Oriental History, Kyoto University

01-04- 1976– 31-03-1980 Undergraduate studies, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University


04 -12- 1994 16th Suntory Academic Prize for Political and Economic Sciences, awarded by the Suntory Foundation, for Chuka teikoku no kozo to sekai keizai 中華帝国の構造と世界経済 (The Structure of the Chinese Empire and the World Economy, 1994).

Visiting Professorship

18-3-2013—17-6-2013 École Normale Supérieure, Paris

11-4-2011–8-2-2012 Mercator Gastprofessur (DFG), University of Tübingen

17-11-2010–16-12-2010 Université Paris Ouest Nanterre