Monographs & Book Chapters

Klaus Mühlhahn, Nathalie van Looy (Eds.), The Globalization of Confucius and Confucianism, Münster / London 2012 (Berliner China-Hefte – Chinese History and Society 41. 168 p. (http://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-643-90305-1)

Klaus Mühlhahn, Clemens von Haselberg (Eds.), Chinese Identities on Screen, Münster / London 2012 (Berliner China-Hefte – Chinese History and Society 40). 168 p. (http://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-643-90270-29)

Criminal Justice in China – A History, Cambridge: Harvard University Press 2009. (http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674033238)

The Limits of Empire, New Perspectives on Imperialism in Modern China, (Hg.), Münster / London: LIT 2008. (http://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-1216-4)

Reisen in chinesischer Geschichte und Gegenwart. Erfahrungen, Berichte, Zeugnisse (Hg. mit Mechthild Leutner), Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 2008. (http://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/title_13.ahtml)

Kolonialkrieg in China. Die Niederschlagung der Boxerbewegung 1900-1901 (Hg. mit Mechthild Leutner), Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag 2007. (http://www.christoph-links-verlag.de/index.cfm?inhalt=detail&nav_id=1&titel_id=432)

Essais (selection)

Mapping Colonial Space: The Planning and Building of Qingdao by German Colonial Authorities, 1897–1914, in: Laura Victoir and Victor Zatsepine (ed.), Harbin to Hanoi: The Colonial Built Environment in Asia, 1840 to 1940, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press 2013, 103-150.

Negotiating the Nation: German colonialism and Chinese Nationalism in Qingdao, 1897–1914, Twentieth-Century Colonialism and China. Localities, the everyday and the world ed. Bryna Goodman and David S. G. Goodman. Routledge: London 2012: 37-56.

Hunger und Staatliche Gewalt in der Volksrepublik China während der fünfziger und sechziger Jahre, in: Matthias Middell / Felix Wemheuer (ed.), Hunger, Ernährung und Rationierungssysteme unter dem Staatssozialismus (1917-2006), Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang 2011, 299-323.

“Turning Rubbish into Something Useful”: Crime and Punishment in Mao’s China, in: William C. Kirby (ed.), The People’s Republic of China at 60. An International Assessment, Cambridge: Harvard Asia Center 2011, 173-191.

« Flourishing China » – the normative dimension, China Heritage Quarterly 26, China Heritage Project, The Australian Noational University, 2011.

“Ville modèle de la modernité ? Fondation et construction de la ville coloniale de Tsingtao en Chine (1897-1914)”, in: Christine de Gemeaux (Hg.), Empires et colonies. L’Allemagne, du Saint-Empire au deuil postcolonial, Ledru: Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal 2010, S. 239-266.

“’Friendly Pressure’: Law and the Individual in Modern China”, in: Mette Halskov Hansen, Rune Svarverud (Hg.): iChina – The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society, Copenhagen NIAS 2010, S. 227-250.

Conferences (selection)

10/2012: “China 1911: revolution and its legacy’”, University of Maastricht, Studium Generale.

12/2011: Truth Games – Security and Intelligence as Rationales for Detention and Punishment in Wartime China” Paper presented on the workshop “Traveling Penologies – Towards an entangled history of the prison and technologies of punishment.

09/2011: Der Einfluss der Romantik auf das chinesische politische Denken. Vortrag auf dem Workshop „Romantik – eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung“, Zentrum für Deutschlandstudien (ZDS) an der Peking Universität, School of Education.

01/2011: Chair, “Constructing Penal Modernity”, Panel for the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Boston.

06/2010: Mapping Colonial Space – The Planning and Building of Qingdao by German Colonial Authorities, 1897-1914, Konferenz “From Harbin to Hanoi: Colonial Built Environment, 1840-1940”, University of Hong Kong.

02/2010: Crime and Punishment in China. A History of Penal Systems in the 20th Century, University of Oregon.

01/2010: “Repaying Blood Debt”: Criminal Justice in Mao’s China, 1949–68, Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association.

10/2009: “Intelligence Wars”: Security, Sovereignty, and Information in China, ca. 1940, Konferenz “Intellectuals, Professions, and Knowledge Production in Twentieth Century China”, University of California at Berkeley.

05/2009: “Turning Rubbish into Something Useful” – Criminal Justice in Mao’s China, 1949-1968, Konferenz “The People’s Republic of China at 60: An International Assessment”, Harvard University.