List of Publications

Shimada Ryuto, “Kinsei kaiiki ajia boueki to nihon jin – oranda higashi indo gaisya wo tyushinni, 近世海域アジア貿易と日本銀―オランダ東インド会社を中心に―, (Trading in Asian water in the early modern period and Japanese silver: Dutch East India Company and others)”, Shigaku kenkyu, 史学研究, (The Study of History), pp. 59-73, 2012.

Shimada Ryuto, “Kinsei syokumin toshi Batavia no dorei ni kansuru oboegaki, 近世植民都市バタヴィアの奴隷に関する覚書, (A note on slaves in the colonial city Batavia in the early modern period), in Bunka kouryuu kenkyuu, 文化交流研究, (Cultural Communication Studies), No. 26: 59-73, 2012.

Shimada Ryuto, “Kinsei Nagasaki boueki no sekaiteki kousatsu: Nagasaki tono boueki ruto wo tyuushin toshite,近世長崎貿易の世界史的考察:長崎との貿易ルートを中心として―, (A global perspective of trading in early modern period in Nagasaki: Trading route to Nagasaki and others)”, Bunmei kenkyu・Kyusyu, 文明研究・九州, (Civilization studies in Kyusyu), No. 5: 11-20, 2011.

Shimada Ryuto, “Dutch Commercial Networks in Asia in Transition toward the Age of the Pax-Britannica, 1740-1830”, The East Asian Journal of British History 1, pp. 29-40,2011.

Shimada Ryuto, “Rekishi gaku wa sudeni ‘Kokkyou’ wo koetsutsu aru – gurobaru hisutori to kindai kennkyuu no tameno oboegaki, 歴史学はすでに「国境」をこえつつある―グローバル・ヒストリーと近代史研究のための覚書―, (The study of history already have gone beyond the “national borders”- A note on Global history and the early modern historical studies), in Paburikku hisutori パブリック・ヒストリー, (Public History), pp. 1-13, 2011.